
Saturday 30 July 2011

Day 9: A long walk

It was daddy day care today, as Becky had a women's conference to attend and childcare wasn't offered! As I have learned in the past with caring for my 5 month old, you have to do things in mini bursts. You have to learn that it's ok to wash up just 3 plates and leave the rest for the next opportunity. It's ok to clean one thing in the bathroom.
It was a blast. I really enjoyed spending the day with him, he's such a happy little fellow and really easy going. There was one point in which his nap was overdue, he was clearly tired, but strongly resisting it. No matter where I put him down, or how I held him, he wasn't happy. This was my opportunity to mix exercise with fun! I put him, wide awake, in his pram and we went for a brisk walk. The heat of the day hadn't kicked in, and in SA at this time of year it can get quite chilly - especially with that wind. So in a thick sweatshirt and coat I set off. My intention was to go to Boyes Drive and back - like I had done previously. The hill up to Boyes drive is a great workout, especially for someone as unfit as me. Walking up the road, past 7-Eleven and up the short cut, I get to the stairs and realise that it is an impossibility to carry a pram by yourself up a flight of stairs (though I did try!). Joshua was looking at me with a bemused face. He'd stopped crying now and was just wide eyed, wondering what on earth his daddy was trying to do! Faced with defeat, I thought that I can't just get here and go home, I would feel so empty and I would have the same battle on my hands to get him to sleep when I got home. So I thought I'll walk in the direction of St James (along the coastal path) until he falls asleep and then turn around and head home. At this point, the sun was out and I was starting to sweat. So I remove my coat. A bit further down the road and again I feel myself sweating, so off with the sweatshirt. Walking along this beautiful path, I thought to myself, "where else in the world can you walk with a t-shirt with warm sun on your back in the middle of winter?". Not noticing that my little boy had fallen asleep long ago, I kept walking, ending up in Kalk Bay, some 4km away from my house.

What an achievement, I thought. All by myself, no kick up the backside from anybody, I, Peter Clemison, have power-walked for 4,000 meters. Then the thought crossed my mind... it's 4km back again. Like an oasis in the desert, a train pulled up at Kalk Bay station and I jumped on it back to Muizenberg... well people, one step at a time and I am only on Day 9 of my 30 days!

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