
Wednesday 27 July 2011

Day 6: Back to jogging

Ok, woke up this morning feeling really rough. You know the feeling: headache, chesty cough, feel like death! Sent a text message to my colleagues to say that I wouldn't be coming in today, but if I'm feeling better later, I'll stay at home and do work from there, lest anyone there catches my dreaded disease.
By about 9.30, I started to feel better and Becky utilized this 'opportunity' to go to a meeting, leaving me with daddy duties as well as a feeling that, if I'm feeling better, I should be working. So I set to work on the bed with my trusty little man beside me. Managed some emails and some planning before Joshua needed caring for. Got up, had breakfast and moved myself to working from the kitchen table. Joshua, in his bumbo was happily smiling at me as I got on with my work.
Then the thought came: Day 6 and I have yet to think of something to do. Well, at least it's sunny outside, I thought, it will be a chance to get out a blow this cold away from me. As daddy-daycare, I had certain duties to contend with in-between emails etc: washing up from last night, hanging washing out and bringing dry stuff in, bleaching toilet, entertaining the little man, feeding him and changing his nappy. All credit to you mums out there, this is a tough job you've got! Thank you Marysol for your comment yesterday. I moan about carrying him for the short time I do, but notice that my wife picks the boy up with ease. Wow, 11kgs, that's quite something to carry around. Incidentally, today was Joshua's day for his latest injections. At the clinic, the nurse weighted him and informed me that he's 8.2kgs!!!! Now I feel much better about my achievements yesterday!
Becky took Joshua out this afternoon, so that I could get on with some more work. This was a blessing and I did indeed knuckle down. Amazing how much work you can do outside of the office environment if you put your mind to it!
Feeling very good about myself, I thought, for my afternoon coffee break, I would go for a run along the beach. What a good idea. It was deserted (my favourite - hate people seeing me exert myself) and so I could quite happily run the 100 metres and pant away with no onlookers. Out of breath, I probably only managed a few hundred metres running and a few more hundred walking. Yet, breathing the sea air and feeling the warmth of the day (SA houses are freeeezing inside in winter) was exhilarating. Returned home, feeling somewhat groggy and thinking to myself, "was that a good idea".
Gonna take it easy tonight as we have a big planning meeting at the office tomorrow, then celebration for our achievements so far on Friday. Need to have energy for that.

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