
Sunday 31 July 2011

Day 10: last minute, but acheived it!

Just before bed, with my wife spurring me on, I managed 30 press-ups and 35 crunches. Bit-by-bit I'll make this exercise milarky a habit!

Saturday 30 July 2011

Day 9: A long walk

It was daddy day care today, as Becky had a women's conference to attend and childcare wasn't offered! As I have learned in the past with caring for my 5 month old, you have to do things in mini bursts. You have to learn that it's ok to wash up just 3 plates and leave the rest for the next opportunity. It's ok to clean one thing in the bathroom.
It was a blast. I really enjoyed spending the day with him, he's such a happy little fellow and really easy going. There was one point in which his nap was overdue, he was clearly tired, but strongly resisting it. No matter where I put him down, or how I held him, he wasn't happy. This was my opportunity to mix exercise with fun! I put him, wide awake, in his pram and we went for a brisk walk. The heat of the day hadn't kicked in, and in SA at this time of year it can get quite chilly - especially with that wind. So in a thick sweatshirt and coat I set off. My intention was to go to Boyes Drive and back - like I had done previously. The hill up to Boyes drive is a great workout, especially for someone as unfit as me. Walking up the road, past 7-Eleven and up the short cut, I get to the stairs and realise that it is an impossibility to carry a pram by yourself up a flight of stairs (though I did try!). Joshua was looking at me with a bemused face. He'd stopped crying now and was just wide eyed, wondering what on earth his daddy was trying to do! Faced with defeat, I thought that I can't just get here and go home, I would feel so empty and I would have the same battle on my hands to get him to sleep when I got home. So I thought I'll walk in the direction of St James (along the coastal path) until he falls asleep and then turn around and head home. At this point, the sun was out and I was starting to sweat. So I remove my coat. A bit further down the road and again I feel myself sweating, so off with the sweatshirt. Walking along this beautiful path, I thought to myself, "where else in the world can you walk with a t-shirt with warm sun on your back in the middle of winter?". Not noticing that my little boy had fallen asleep long ago, I kept walking, ending up in Kalk Bay, some 4km away from my house.

What an achievement, I thought. All by myself, no kick up the backside from anybody, I, Peter Clemison, have power-walked for 4,000 meters. Then the thought crossed my mind... it's 4km back again. Like an oasis in the desert, a train pulled up at Kalk Bay station and I jumped on it back to Muizenberg... well people, one step at a time and I am only on Day 9 of my 30 days!

Friday 29 July 2011

Day 8: Almost forgot

It's amazing how easily we forget. Yet now I'm doing this blog, I have friends around me who ask me "what have you done today?" When I say nothing, it spurs me on to do, at least, something! This entry is short and sweet. A depressing 19 push ups just before bed. Saturday tomorrow, and it's daddy daycare as Becky is away at a women's conference all day. Let's hope I can get some fitness done too.

Thursday 28 July 2011

Day 7: Is thinking exercise?

Today I have very much been using lots of my brain: I've been thinking, praying, worshipping, planning, strategising, writing and listening.
Exhausted and still feeling a bit under the weather, I get home from base worship. A quick egg on toast for dinner, feed Joshua, give him a bath and then pass him over to Becky for mummy duties! Gives me a chance to do something mindless - this time looking at some random video posts on Google+ (which is not anything like Facebook, no really, it's not ;) )

That leaves me to the point of this blog for this month: exercise. How do I get to something when the last thing I want to do is exert myself (though I feel like I've said that before). Down on the floor, I muster 19 press-ups. Oh dear, things are getting bad! I thought the more you do, the better you get! Then I try some chair pull ups. Again, a measly handful before I'm giving up. One week in and I don't feel much healthier. I've already become sick and don't feel any fitter. The good thing is, Becky has commented on my smaller pot belly. But I think that's just her way of encouraging me not to give up! I will  do this for 30 days. I'm determined to at least achieve that, even if it doesn't make me any fitter in the process!

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Day 6: Back to jogging

Ok, woke up this morning feeling really rough. You know the feeling: headache, chesty cough, feel like death! Sent a text message to my colleagues to say that I wouldn't be coming in today, but if I'm feeling better later, I'll stay at home and do work from there, lest anyone there catches my dreaded disease.
By about 9.30, I started to feel better and Becky utilized this 'opportunity' to go to a meeting, leaving me with daddy duties as well as a feeling that, if I'm feeling better, I should be working. So I set to work on the bed with my trusty little man beside me. Managed some emails and some planning before Joshua needed caring for. Got up, had breakfast and moved myself to working from the kitchen table. Joshua, in his bumbo was happily smiling at me as I got on with my work.
Then the thought came: Day 6 and I have yet to think of something to do. Well, at least it's sunny outside, I thought, it will be a chance to get out a blow this cold away from me. As daddy-daycare, I had certain duties to contend with in-between emails etc: washing up from last night, hanging washing out and bringing dry stuff in, bleaching toilet, entertaining the little man, feeding him and changing his nappy. All credit to you mums out there, this is a tough job you've got! Thank you Marysol for your comment yesterday. I moan about carrying him for the short time I do, but notice that my wife picks the boy up with ease. Wow, 11kgs, that's quite something to carry around. Incidentally, today was Joshua's day for his latest injections. At the clinic, the nurse weighted him and informed me that he's 8.2kgs!!!! Now I feel much better about my achievements yesterday!
Becky took Joshua out this afternoon, so that I could get on with some more work. This was a blessing and I did indeed knuckle down. Amazing how much work you can do outside of the office environment if you put your mind to it!
Feeling very good about myself, I thought, for my afternoon coffee break, I would go for a run along the beach. What a good idea. It was deserted (my favourite - hate people seeing me exert myself) and so I could quite happily run the 100 metres and pant away with no onlookers. Out of breath, I probably only managed a few hundred metres running and a few more hundred walking. Yet, breathing the sea air and feeling the warmth of the day (SA houses are freeeezing inside in winter) was exhilarating. Returned home, feeling somewhat groggy and thinking to myself, "was that a good idea".
Gonna take it easy tonight as we have a big planning meeting at the office tomorrow, then celebration for our achievements so far on Friday. Need to have energy for that.

Tuesday 26 July 2011

Day 5: Exercise can be fun

OK, day 5 is here. Busy day, lots going on, but no excuse for not doing good exercise. However, I was totally not in the mood for digging out those joggers and it was too late in the day for getting serious with press-ups. Then a brainwave came. Joshua now weighs over 7 kgs. He's a heavy boy for a five month old. As I lifted him above my head and he gave me that giggle-grin that just fills you with such joy, I noticed that I was actually weight lifting! I asked Becky to witness this and to 'spot me'. I then lifted him up above my head 20 times - thought it was a bit of a strain, but made me proud that I had achieved some quality daddy time but also done some healthy exercise (albeit small-fry) at the same time. "Back of the net".
My joy was somewhat short-lived when Becky lifted him in the same way for 20 without breaking a sweat. But what can I say: I'm married to a superhero.

Monday 25 July 2011

Day 4: reality starts to hit

Woke up late this morning. In no way did I feel like entering day four of my exercise routine. However, before my morning shower, I thought 'it's now or never', so I went through a very similar routine to yesterday. For some reason I thought that I could go further than yesterday, but sadly, I only just mustered 25 measly press-ups, 30 sit ups and 50 star jumps. I am now in my office with my muscles aching asking my body the question "what just happened!?". I knew I would be taking things slowly, but I'm starting to realise just how unfit I really am, which is scaring me a bit. I tried to touch my toes... well, let's not go there, it's too painful to talk about. Onwards, let's see what tomorrow brings!

Sunday 24 July 2011

Day 3: Sunday - day of rest?

Often we get caught up in the idea of what 'rest' is. Some are strict/legalistic about it - 'you shouldn't work on a Sunday'. But the Bible points (always) to what is in our heart. God wants us to work hard and take appropriate rest from work. The best model for this is a seven-day pattern, where we work for six and rest on the seventh. He created this model for us to follow. OK preaching section over, now on to what I'm doing...

Well, I'm only on my third day, so no rest for me yet! However, I'm not yet at the point of working 'too hard' as I'm trying to build this up bit-by-bit. Looking at the weather today and the wind was so strong it was blowing roof tiles off buildings. So today (apart from walking to church) was not a day for venturing out, especially not to run! So I thought I'll do some indoor stuff.
Now, on the first day (just two days ago) I managed to muster just 10 press ups and a few sit-ups! I thought to myself: I must be able to beat that. So, to warm myself up, I did 50 star jumps (nearly killed me, but hey-ho). A glass of water a lots of panting later, I sat on the floor in the same position as two days ago, contemplating my next move. I crawled over to the middle of the floor and assumed the press-up position. 1, 2, 3... come on Pete, just a few more... 4, 5, 6... straining now, but determined to beat my 10... 7, 8, 9 (through clenched teeth), 10. Slowing down, but pushing through the pain, 11, 12, 13... come on Pete, you can do it, I thought to myself, 14.... one more 15, collapsing onto my chest. Another glass of water and break for 5 minutes, then back onto my chest for the next endurance session. Counting from 15, I slowly and painstakingly made it to 25.
While the lid's off, I thought, let's get the sit-ups over a done with. These were slightly easier this time, don't know why. Crunching my stomach muscles I managed to muster 30 straight, but decided at this point to quit while I'm ahead.
Made a mental note of my achievements, then went for a shower with a big grin on my face. Why I was smiling, I don't know, I really haven't achieved all that much yet!

Saturday 23 July 2011

Day 2: digging out those old running shoes

Last night I realised, after beginning this blog journey that I had been all talk and no action. At 11.30 last night I had yet to do a single physical thing to exercise. So, after brushing my teeth and feeling utterly exhausted from the day, I sat on the floor at the foot of my bed and contemplated what I should do. Going gradually (like an old man who hasn't stood up for a long time) I moved onto all fours and assumed the press-up stance. Down up down up, I managed eight, then struggling, nine, then one final push... ten. Collapsing on the last one in exhaustion! As I lay on my front I thought: 'sit ups will be easier'. So I roll over and begin doing some crunches. One, two, three... nope, these are just as hard. Feeling somewhat defeated, but happy that I'd at least 'done something', I crawled into bed and lay back thinking about my 'achievement'. In most people's books, what I had just done was pathetic. A 31-year-old healthy man should be able to muster more than 10 press-ups and a handful of sit-ups. Yet I was strangely happy. I knew that without this blog, I wouldn't have done anything at all. There's something about making a declaration -- even if nobody in the world ever reads this -- pushes you to honour it.

'Lord, let me be more tomorrow than I was today and help me to honour my body and the commitment I have made to change'.

Well, I woke up this morning not feeling in the least like I would love to 'go out for a jog'. However, a little niggling feeling I had inside made me not want to feel the same kind of defeat that I felt last night. "If I start with exercise, I can know that at least I have 'done' something on day 2!" I thought to myself. So, in the darkness that is a winter morning, trying not to wake my wife or baby boy who are soundly asleep, I rummage around trying to dig out my old running shoes which haven't been worn in over a year.  Aha, I find them, covered in dust and cobwebs and looking worse-for-wear.

These aren't they, but similar (and I can't be bothered to dig out my camera!). I also search around for some light jogging bottoms and a t-shirt. OK, I'm ready. I had a route in my head that would be 'easy' but something to get me started. So, heading out into the dawn light, I began by power-walking. It was cold and I thought to myself "why do people do this 'for fun'"!?

As I walked, I felt my body beginning to warm up and thereby reducing the edge to the cold cape doctor. By the time I reached the 7-11 about 1 km from my house I knew that it was time to start jogging. Whether it was stupidity or just my naiive nature, I started on a steep incline up to Boyes Drive. As I got 2/3 of the way up this 500 metre incline, I felt I couldn't go on, panting and feeling thoroughly miserable I decided to walk the rest of the way to the top of this road (which includes steps at the end). However, again when I reached the top I had a similar feeling to last night. Had I not started this blog, I probably wouldn't have ventured out in the cold this morning. Yet here I am, panting after going for my first jog in quite some time. A smile came on my face as I started to think about how incredible the human brain is, when it comes to psychologically tricking yourself into something. I know I won't be buff and in perfect health by the end of thirty days, but I may have developed a habit/routine that will get me on the road there. When my son grows up, he will not remember the pot belly his dad had when he was born, as (future Pete speaking here), his dad will be well toned, fit and an example for him to follow. Let it be so.

Friday 22 July 2011

Thirty days

Welcome to my new blog: 30 days.

They say that it takes 30 days to overcome an addiction. They also say that to change the world, we need to start with ourselves. On these two notes, how long does it take to start a good habit?

I think that if I keep a diary for 30 days, I will keep myself to account of how I get on doing that 'new habit'. For the first one, starting today (best place to start really), I will look to create a new fitness regime. It has been something that I have been meaning to start for some time now, but 'never gotten round to it'. Now that I have a family, I think that it's only right to make my first pledge about aiming to get myself into better shape. Last night I gave my baby a bath and, to protect myself from the splashes that he invariably makes, I stripped off down to the waste.

Sitting on the stool next to the bath, I looked down at my rolls of fat on my belly and saw my thin pathetic arms and felt ashamed. I want my son to look at me and have something to aspire to. And that can start with the physical! So, today I am going to start a basic fitness regime. Starting simple - sit-ups, press-ups etc. We don't have the money to join a gym, but we have a floor and a beach down the road!

Becky and I are in missions. It's our job to go out there, listen to God's call and serve Him. As our mission develops, I don't want to be hindered because I have not looked after my own body. It's a biblical value too – my body is a temple (1 Cor. 6:19-20).

Since working in an office so close to my home, I have not spent any time, really, exercising. I am not overweight, as such, it's just all distributed wrongly! Lots of fat, no muscle. So, I'm not going to do a day-by-day weight report. However, each day, for the next thirty days, I will report on here how I get on with my new regime.

Pray for me!

By the way, in case you were wondering about the website address:, thirty days had been taken, so I used an anagram of the thirty days - tidy trashy!