
Saturday 30 March 2013

Day 2: God I want to know you

Philippians 3:1-10

What will pursuing intimacy with God cost you?
Potentially: everything. Following Christ means being willing to drop everything and putting everything in its place - worthless compared to Him.

Is an intimate relationship with God worth the price? Why/why not?
The cost is nothing for us, compared with the great cost God paid by giving his Son to die on the cross, bearing my sin and shame. All I have to do is believe in Him, follow Him and trust Him and even then he promises that His load is not to heavy for me to bear.

Identify three or four main enemies of intimacy with God in your life?
Pride/self righteousness
Lack of faith

Who can you share these with, asking for their accountability in this journey?
Good question. Asking God for wisdom in this area as I struggle to identify willing and effective accountability partners.

How does the gift of Christ's righteousness Paul talks about in v. 9 impact your pursuit of knowing God? 
It frees me. It means that my motivation for knowing Christ can be pure, because I free to love Him without a barrier/false motivation.

Why are we often more willing to pay a high price for earthly stuff than for intimacy with God?
We are all fallen and therefore easily succumb to the temptations of this world and start to believe the lies the enemy throws at us, sometimes as simple as 'I need that...' when talking about material non essentials in our lives.

Monday 18 March 2013

Day 1: Psalm 63

Read Psalm 63
List three or four things that you are earnestly seeking today.
Intimacy with God
Deeper knowledge of the Bible
Deeper relationships with others around me
A life that is wholly pleasing to God

What does it mean to have a soul that clings to God?
Not to be cheesy, but I think the answer can only be found in scripture. Matthew 7:18-20 says:  A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.

Only God knows what it means to have a loyal follower. We on earth in human form can only measure the fruit of what our lives show to ourselves and others around us. I think a soul that clings to God will be someone who reflects/mirrors the very nature and character of God through their thoughts, words and deeds.

Write a description of God based on the words you find in this Psalm.
With God you need nothing else: he is purposeful and beautiful. He pursues and perseveres. His love for us is beyond all comparison. He longs to hold us in his arms, protecting and nurturing us.

How was David's passion and thirst for God displayed in action?
He sought after God when he was literally in the desert.


Over the next 31 days, we are following a new discipline of Bible study together, known as 'Thirsty'. It is something that our home group in Muizenberg, South Africa are following together. It came about after we realised that we don't have much application from all the great things we hear at church in our own lives. We are not striving as we ought to. So here goes... another 31 days, another chance to Know God more...